Today i have been working on coding my bee bot. it took a couple of tries to get the bee bot on the number 10. I found it easy to blog it. i found it hard to code the bee bot to get it to the number and land on the number at the right time. maybe i could change next time the place where i filmed and i would say on what i am doing. Here it is! i hope you guys like my video that i created and these bee bots are really cool. have you ever coded a bee bot before? tell me in the comments!
Kia ora. I am Arabella from St Mary’s School.
ReplyDeleteI really liked your bee bot activity you did.
I learnt that bee bot’s can code
Maybe next time you could say how you got it to the exact place .
Did you like coding and programming your bee bot?
Please visit my blog
Mā te wā